The Window of Tolerance
November 11, 2019 | Anxiety, Awareness, General
My last two posts have been about anxiety and how we begin to work with it. In the latter, I mention that I think of self-regulation as hijacking what is happening to our brains to help us come back to a place of calmness. Add to this returning to curiosity, and capacity to manage what is…
How to chill: Grounding Skills
November 08, 2019 | Anxiety, Awareness, Body
In my previous post, I talked about anxiety. In there I said that, before we can change what causes anxiety, we need to tell our bodies that we’re safe enough now. This is what I call self-regulation or, as the title suggests, chilling. I heard once that anxiety is all about the future: what if?…
What is Anxiety?
November 04, 2019 | Anxiety, General
Anxiety is the sum of the sensations, feelings, and thoughts you experience when you detect a threat. In response to that threat, you start preparing to face the danger in the best way you can: you try to figure out if there’s anything you can do to prevent the threat and, if not, you try…
Therapy and Plenitude
November 01, 2019 | Awareness, Body, Connection, Emotions, Mind, Society, Universe
In my profile on Instagram, I say that I work from a holistic, feminist, and intersectional lense. In practical terms, this means that when I work with someone, I think about them as a whole, and also about how their self affects their environment and vice versa. Let me explain. The person as a whole…
Why Seaglass Psychology?
October 28, 2019 | General, Seaglass News
It took me a while to find the right name for my practice. It seemed like so much of what I wanted to communicate with a name was already in use! After some time, I finally found a name that resonated with me: Seaglass Psychology. It evoked something beautiful, smoothing out the sharp edges of…