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Category Archives: Society

Let us celebrate the Season

December 25, 2019 | General, Society, Universe

For thousands of years, the winter solstice was a time of feast and abundance; a season to celebrate the sun’s return to life. There was food, gift-giving, and gatherings. So much of it we can still see today, interwoven with so many cultures. As we approach the new gregorian year, in whichever way you celebrate…

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Therapy and Plenitude

November 01, 2019 | Awareness, Body, Connection, Emotions, Mind, Society, Universe

In my profile on Instagram, I say that I work from a holistic, feminist, and intersectional lense. In practical terms, this means that when I work with someone, I think about them as a whole, and also about how their self affects their environment and vice versa. Let me explain. The person as a whole…

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