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Category Archives: General

The traumatizing experience of systemic discrimination

June 29, 2020 | General, Social Justice, Society, Therapeutic Process, Trauma

I’ve always thought it strange that we have the “day of” or the “month of” in our calendars. I think it often ends up as a perfunctory exercise on performative involvement, or as a marketing strategy at worst. Despite this, today I’d like to choose a less cynical, more hopeful outlook, and focus on thinking…

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On activism, race, and privilege

June 01, 2020 | General, Social Justice, Society

I am an immigrant woman; I have an accent. I’ve been told my skin is too light and I’m white passing. I’ve actually been told, “to me you’re white!” which hurt because, guess what, I am Latina. My experiences and background align with my identity of Latina, too. On the other hand, I’ve also heard…

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Learning to trust again after pain

May 29, 2020 | Anxiety, Connection, General, Society

When I work on the issue of trust with my clients, I like to tell them that we all need to trust each other. We need to trust that the driver next to us knows what they’re doing, we need to trust the grocery store will be stocked with what we need, we need to…

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As a therapist, I’m a GPS

April 23, 2020 | General, Therapeutic Process

Do you wonder what a therapist is actually doing in session? Trying to describe my job can be difficult. How do you explain the dynamic interaction between client and counsellor? Research consistently suggests that the quality of the therapeutic relationship is one of the main aspects of making therapy work. An important ingredient to this…

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Adapting to change through curiosity

April 07, 2020 | Awareness, General, Self Care

Life has changed. In the past few weeks, I have done my best to adapt to the new normal. I run my practice fully online now. To do so, I researched multiple video call platforms, read enough Privacy Policy documents to last me a life-time, talked to several colleagues, and studied best practices for telepsychology….

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Daring to feel hope

January 19, 2020 | Emotions, General

What happens when you have hope for something in the future, but you’re afraid it might not happen? I’ve been paying attention to this lately. It’s like there is a constant argument going on between the part of me that wants to feel hope, and another that tells me, “No, don’t. What if it doesn’t…

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Let us celebrate the Season

December 25, 2019 | General, Society, Universe

For thousands of years, the winter solstice was a time of feast and abundance; a season to celebrate the sun’s return to life. There was food, gift-giving, and gatherings. So much of it we can still see today, interwoven with so many cultures. As we approach the new gregorian year, in whichever way you celebrate…

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The Window of Tolerance

November 11, 2019 | Anxiety, Awareness, General

My last two posts have been about anxiety and how we begin to work with it. In the latter, I mention that I think of self-regulation as hijacking what is happening to our brains to help us come back to a place of calmness. Add to this returning to curiosity, and capacity to manage what is…

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What is Anxiety?

November 04, 2019 | Anxiety, General

Anxiety is the sum of the sensations, feelings, and thoughts you experience when you detect a threat. In response to that threat, you start preparing to face the danger in the best way you can: you try to figure out if there’s anything you can do to prevent the threat and, if not, you try…

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Why Seaglass Psychology?

October 28, 2019 | General, Seaglass News

It took me a while to find the right name for my practice. It seemed like so much of what I wanted to communicate with a name was already in use! After some time, I finally found a name that resonated with me: Seaglass Psychology. It evoked something beautiful, smoothing out the sharp edges of…

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