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Category Archives: Body

Framing fatness as a disease: why this is a problem

May 08, 2023 | Body, General, Self Care, Self-worth

At the beginning of the year, there were a couple of videos going around in some fat liberation spaces about an interview on CBS’s “60 Minutes”. In the interview, they discuss fatphobia in the medical system, and how most physicians do not understand what makes larger bodies happen. At the same time, they make causal…

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Speaking the languages of the self

November 26, 2019 | Awareness, Body, Emotions, Mind

I see us people as incredibly complex and social creatures. We have a degree of consciousness we don’t see in most other beings (of course, we’re not certain), and which has helped us expand our presence in this world to a great degree. Awareness has given us choice, among other benefits. I think that, along…

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How to chill: Grounding Skills

November 08, 2019 | Anxiety, Awareness, Body

In my previous post, I talked about anxiety. In there I said that, before we can change what causes anxiety, we need to tell our bodies that we’re safe enough now. This is what I call self-regulation or, as the title suggests, chilling. I heard once that anxiety is all about the future: what if?…

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Therapy and Plenitude

November 01, 2019 | Awareness, Body, Connection, Emotions, Mind, Society, Universe

In my profile on Instagram, I say that I work from a holistic, feminist, and intersectional lense. In practical terms, this means that when I work with someone, I think about them as a whole, and also about how their self affects their environment and vice versa. Let me explain. The person as a whole…

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